Sunday, 6 December 2015


It is measured in a handspan across the heavens. A mini ruler, Mercury, a tyrant among the galaxies is bent on war and must be brought to heal by the twelve star groups. Gemini stands back to back with her sister and they call to their brethren, a call for balance and peace through a war of Titans . Orion and Sagittarius will lead the vanguard with Libra assessing the advance with analytical prowess. Dexterous Scorpio will wield sword and axe and bow, simultaneously firing flaming arrows into the red mists of Mars and ringing hammer blows that will vibrate across the blackness of space. Leo will pounce on Mars and toy mercilessly with the mini ruler as with a mouse. They will not bend  to his discriminating demands, each wanting instead the freedom of the heavens for all eternity, to live with prudence and justice.
And when the war is done and the anger spent they will celebrate with a victory feast. The Stars will put on their lustre and dance under aurora's skirts while Mars dips his head to the horizon. Peace will be restored and we will weigh our souls in feathers to the end of time.

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