Hopes and dreams are harder to box as you get older. The material gifts that delight us as children no longer hold sway but rather than feel disappointed by unrequited generosity I have decided to accept the gifts that have been given to me this season of a less tangible kind and cherish them for what they are. I hope you have all been equally blessed.
My children recognising for the first time the joy of giving gifts of their own and not just receiving.
The laughter of loved ones
A gathering of friends
The sharing of a new experience
My children holding hands, loving one another.
An unsolicited hug, just because.
Solving a puzzle together.
The aroma of oranges, of pine resin, of cloves and spices.
The waxing and waning of a candle flame.
The freedom to walk in beautiful countryside.
The kiss of the sun on my face and the glow of a full moon.
Time to sit by the fire and enjoy the purr of a cat.
As we move towards a new year and talk turns to resolutions, rather than denying myself some trifling thing I resolve to hold these moments dear, recognise them when they come and accept them for what they are...the glue that helps hold us together in the tougher times, if only we remember them.
Happy Christmas all and a wonder-filled New Year.
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