Tuesday, 31 May 2016

The Riddle Of The Sands

           From the mist curled in the foothills of the dunes came a golden camel expectorating bile, willing to share the 'Riddle of the Sands' for a share of the fireside. He slowed in the security of heat, orb like eyes flaring luminous in the glow of the flames and casting long shadows into the deeper nights cloak.
           “The Mighty Caliban was created and destroyed by the Great Jinn of this desert. People are sometimes fooled by the Jinn’s disguises, but, yes, he was great. To begin he had one unbroken foot and for security he did not use the other foot but walked about on his elbows across the sand dragging his form behind him like a snake, following the ripples of the dunes.
            The Jinn was angered by Caliban's desire for power so cursed him, imprisoning him in the stays of a wasp's carapace. Still hungry for power Caliban sought to dominate the beasts of the earth, buzzing angrily about them and threatening them with a flash of his black and yellow body and his far reaching poisonous sting. He aggressively preyed on all those who could not defend themselves, until that is he caught and tore his wing on a thorn. He spiralled down to the hot desert sand and there was no escape from the burning heat. He floundered on the earth at the mercy of all, unable to escape into the security of the sky. It was then that he met the King of Tiny Things, golden wings glinting in the sunlight, a cloak of azure blue covering his broken foot.
            "I am watching you closer than you think, oh transposed Caliban. I have seen how your desire to dominate is undiminished by your current size. I think I should call upon the Tempest to teach you a lesson. He is always keen to give someone a hiding!”
But still blinded by arrogance and conceit Caliban did not realise he was addressing the Great Jinn in disguise.

            "You have no power over me you insignificant gnat, I am the great Caliban" he sang out. Seeing that Caliban had failed to learn his lesson, without further words or delay, the King of Tiny Things flicked his iridescent wings and turned the unworthy Caliban into a louse. Caliban was so ashamed of his new form that he curled up and hid so perfectly within his body that he was impossible to discover. He crawled into the sand and overtime calcified, only then revealing that there was indeed some beauty within. 

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