An escape to Imagination. Short stories and flash fiction. Copyright belongs to author, Holly Khan, unless otherwise stated.
Thursday, 26 March 2015
It Begins Again
It begins again as she leans on the balustrade drink in hand listening to the music of bees in the bright orchard and watching the jonquils bow in suplication to the blustery wind. Barrow weeds the beds closest to the house and she admires his firm lean physique. Does he know she is watching? She cannot tell. There is nothing self conscious in his stance but then neither was there in her dream.
Her dream will not leave her. She had escaped into the woods to a gypsy Roulotte and laughter around a fire. She had watched in her dream as these tinkers,these travellers, danced around the flickering fire to the viola and the octagonal flower-painted accordion. Sparks flew to the sky like fireflies and took root with the desires of their hearts in the freedom of the dance. She looked down at her butchered feet and wondered when would it be her time to dance.
The dream skips a beat to her subconscious desires and she is there with Barrow. They have abandoned their clothes and dance the dance of love, bodies tangled as one, a mounting heat kindling a fire deep within her. A dappled moonlight stallion appears and kneels before them and Barrow lifts her to ride with him, away to the Fairy Dell in the woods. She holds tight around his waist reaching one hand down to search the secret heart of his curlicue fronds. The moon smiles down knowingly on the water as they pass to make love in her silvery light with the ghosts of lovers past looking on. They lay down together in the fairy ring on a bed bolstered with moss making their own sweet music of sighs as he played with her secret nugget of heaven. The butterfly emerges from its cocoon and pulses at her centre engorging its wings with bright colour in bittersweet release and Titania looks on with Oberon, mirroring their pleasure. Alas she will have to wake from the dream but she can always return.
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