Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me! Take me from the tide line in my gossamer djellaba of kelp and coral, glinting with stars of mica and bejewelled with oyster shells. Take this longing from my tongue that leaves me parched as salt. You are my longing; my first hello; my last goodbye. Hush now, don't explain why it is wrong. I am a new lamb to your shepherding love and I crave your tenderness. You raise me up to more than I can be, washed by the foam of the surf; a champagne of laughter through tears.That is what I said. And then he left. And I am an incomplete shell, an alphabet of longing laying silent on the shore under the scrutiny of mewling seagulls.
Can you love a broken thing; a three legged dog; a foxed mirror; a cracked earthen wear jar (dress it in gold: Kintsugi), or must I be thrown back to the sea?
No woman no cry, I console myself. There is a crack in everything; that’s how the light gets in. And though we all have different journeys all rivers eventually lead to the sea. There lies a world of wonder. There you can lie, coddled beneath the waves' reticulated surface where love is an imperfect longing however effusive your desire. Wait. Be watchful. Take comfort in the sisterhood of scales and you will find a love equal to your own. Then you will be raised up to a world of wonder.